Sunday, March 30, 2014

TOW #23: "Obama's Call To End Tragedies Angers Pro-Tragedy Wing In Congress"

Have politics become too convoluted? Does it ever seem that some politicians aren't entirely "for" the United States? Andy Borowitz believes so. Borowitz is a New York Times best-selling author and comedian who has been very highly praised for his satirical column in The New Yorker. In this article of The Borowitz Report from January 29th of this year, the author, Andy Borowitz, seizes the opportunity to make a point about politics today through humor. Borowitz describes how "pro-tragedy" politicians were angered by President Obama's vow to try to stop tragedies. The article, though short, is extremely effective. The purpose of this article is to expose the ridiculousness that has developed in American politics. Ideally, all American politicians, particularly congressmen and congresswomen, should be trying to improve America. However, Borowitz exposes the fact that many congresspeople might not be as ideal as one might hope. The audience of Borowitz's article includes any and all American citizens and politicians who care about the future of America and how America is governed. To achieve his purpose, Borowitz employs several rhetorical devices such as fabricated quotes, and primarily, satire. The quotes Borowitz intersperses, such as one from "Senator David Vitter" accuses President Obama of using "divisive and inflammatory anti-tragedy rhetoric." The brilliance of this quote is how politically realistic it sounds. Though the article clearly uses satire, the language of the fake quotes he uses sounds so similar to typical political jabber: foggy, accusatory, and mildly convoluted. This reinforces the satire Borowitz uses. This satire, for which Borowitz is so highly acclaimed, is what really helps him to achieve his purpose. Why would anyone be "pro-tragedy"? The entire article is ridiculous and brilliant. Of course, no politician is ever "pro-tragedy," but this leads the reader to conclude that perhaps some views held by politicians are "un-American" and downright absurd. Overall, the author effectively conveyed his message about politics. 

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