Tuesday, May 20, 2014

TOW #27: TOW Reflection

In the first TOWs I wrote, I stuck to a certain format; I answered all of the questions separately and then I tried to blend them together into a cohesive TOW as demonstrated by my first marking TOWs, such as TOW #10. This was not as successful as the format I used later in my TOWs, which was much less structured. Also, I noticed that as I slowly abandoned my routine, I also began to write more concisely and artfully. In TOW #22, for example, I used mini transitions to move from idea to idea, which was something I had never done before. I believe I've mastered the writing of introductions and conclusions. Looking back, it has become much easier for me to transition into my idea from nothing and end in a reflective, interesting way. At first, my TOWs were a bit choppy since I had no viable way of introducing and concluding them. Reading my third most recent TOWs compared to my first TOWs, this is where is see the most improvement. Despite my progress, however, I could still improve my ability to write clearly. I tend to write in a way that sounds a bit awkward, and although I think I have improved on my tone throughout this year, I still have some progress to make. I even noticed that I wrote in a way that we'd discussed in class as not so good. In my tenth TOW, for example, I used a double negative, writing "it is not uncommon." I still write in a way that can sound a bit clumsy, so I would still like to improve my tone and stylistic voice. Overall, I definitely did benefit from these assignments considering that I've expanded my horizons in my search for good TOWs. I've also learned to analyze both visual and written texts more effectively. I did not benefit considering the fact that I did not consistently analyze the texts as much as I could have.

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