Sunday, October 27, 2013

TOW #7: "Last Meals of Executed Innocent Men"

Notice in particular the color scheme of this advertisement.

    Amnesty International made this advertisement sharply-defined and well focused to center the reader's attention. Before even reading the text accompanying the image of the prisoner's food tray, judgements are automatically made about the meal. It appears unappetizing and bare; certainly not something anyone would want as an important meal. Once the viewer reads the text underneath the image, a sort of shock-value is added. Amnesty International used minimalism, viewer's prejudice, and shock-value to help this advertisement spread awareness surrounding the injustice that is the death penalty. This image is an argument against the death penalty. It takes one of the primary arguments against the death penalty– chiefly, the idea that an innocent person could end up dead– and translates it into a daunting view into the victim's sufferings. This advertisement was formulated and distributed by Amnesty International, an independent organization whose primary focus is on human rights. In 1977, the organization was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Produced by Amnesty International in Puerto Rico, this advertisement was included in a series of four images entitled "Last Meals of Executed Innocent Men". This purpose of this advertisement is quite obvious: Amnesty International wanted to, if not just convince viewers to side with them, at least provoke a response within the reader. This series of advertisements (and this advertisement in particular) was composed for Puerto Ricans. The extended audience is anyone involved with Amnesty International, and hopefully those who support the death penalty as well. This advertisement was especially effective thanks to the coloring the advertising team chose. I do not believe it is a coincidence that the tray is orange; since neon orange feels very insincere and artificial, it makes this man's last meal even more depressing. The color scheme and the way the text was phrased below the image were particularly effective.

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